Ahlan Simsim: DIY

Detailed Goal: Imagination and Play
DIY Format: Ahlan Simsim: DIY - Air Balloon
Salma makes a DIY Air Balloon, that you can make at home!
DIY Format: Ahlan Simsim: DIY – Bees
Salma shows step-by-step how to make a DIY Bee!
DIY Format: Ahlan Simsim: DIY – Cactus
Salma makes a DIY cactus, that you can make at home!
DIY Format: Ahlan Simsim: DIY - Draw It Chicken
Salma and Jad draw a baby chick together!
DIY Format: Ahlan Simsim: DIY - Draw It Cow
Salma and Gargur draw a cow together!
DIY Format: Ahlan Simsim: DIY - Draw It Sheep
Salma and Elmo draw a sheep together!
DIY Format: Ahlan Simsim: DIY - Origami Bear
In this origami DIY, Salma demonstrates how to make a bear!
DIY Format: Ahlan Simsim: DIY - Origami Car
In this origami DIY, Salma demonstrates how to make a car!
DIY Format: Ahlan Simsim: DIY - Origami Elephant
In this origami DIY, Salma demonstrates how to make an elephant!
DIY Format: Ahlan Simsim: DIY - Origami Glasses
In this origami DIY, Salma demonstrates how to make a pair of glasses!
DIY Format: Ahlan Simsim: DIY - Origami Mouse
In this origami DIY, Salma demonstrates how to make a mouse!
DIY Format: Ahlan Simsim: DIY - Origami Plane
In this origami DIY, Salma demonstrates how to make a plane!
DIY Format: Ahlan Simsim: DIY - Origami Sheep
In this origami DIY, Salma demonstrates how to make a sheep!