Ahlan Simsim Ramadan Dinner

Full Episode: Ahlan Simsim Ramadan Dinner, Season 7
It's a beautiful day and Hadi decides to host a Ramadan dinner with everyone in the neighborhood! To celebrate the holiday and the diversity in the Ahlan Simsim neighborhood, everyone sets out to create a dish representing their heritage or a dish from a country of their choosing to share at the dinner. Later, Abu'l Fihem is making man'ouseh! The Birds want to help so they figure out the best way to contribute! Then, Kaki is having a big feeling! Basma and Jad help Cookie identify his emotion as "excited" and help him calm down by teaching him to "count to five". Finally, we take a look at a family's Eid tradition of making Kleicha!
Narrative with Animations: Ahlan Simsim Ramadan Dinner, Season 7
It's a beautiful day and Hadi decides to host a Ramadan dinner with everyone in the neighborhood! To celebrate the holiday and the diversity in the Ahlan Simsim neighborhood, everyone sets out to create a dish representing their heritage or a dish from a country of their choosing to share at the dinner.