Animated Storybook

Detailed Goal: Literacy
Animated Storybook: Summer Trip
In this story, our friends travel to see their Ahlan Simsim family and discover the names and shapes of different foods along the way.
Animated Storybook: What’s in the Box?
This book introduces concepts of diversity and respect for differences among human beings. It will also assist in discovering ways to identify objects by using our senses.
Animated Storybook: The Kite
In this book, Jad feels sad after his kite falls and its colors mix, but his friend Hadi helps him cope with his sadness. Then he thinks of a way to fix it!
Animated Storybook: Who Ate the Sun?
Basma and Jad can’t figure out where the sun has gone. They commission the services of Inspector Fatin to look into the matter. As Inspector Fatin begins to ask questions and gather clues, Ma’zooza—who loves to eat anything round—begins to look like a suspect. Basma and Jad use problem-solving and guessing from clues to figure out what’s going on.
Animated Storybook: Welcome Ramadan!
In this story, Gargur’s friends are excited to wake him up for Suhoor (the morning pre-fast meal).
Animated Storybook: Bulbul’s Home
In this book, Bulbul learns to overcome his fear and accept change in his life— moving homes. He is able to cope with these changes by exhibiting flexibility and resilience.
Animated Storybook: Play with Words
In this book, children will learn words associated with different letters of the alphabet, helping them to learn to identify the letters and their sounds.
Animated Storybook: The Biggest Ball of Wool in the World
In this book, Basma must try and try again to save her purple scarf. She and her friends must try to manage their frustration and find a solution.
Animated Storybook: Wake up Teta Noor
In this textless book, Teta Noor sleeps and her dreams change with the games that the children around her are playing.
Animated Storybook: I am Busy
This book is designed for beginner readers. In this book, children will learn about different routines.
Animated Storybook: Imagine That
In this textless book, our Muppet friends imagine themselves in different places on each page, making for an exciting adventure.
Animated Storybook: A Big Turnip
In this book, Basma is determined to grow a very large turnip. But once she’s planted her seeds, she finds out that turnips take a very, very long time to grow. In the midst of her frustration, Basma learns to practice patience.
Animated Storybook:
In this book, Basma decides to cook her favorite dish which calls for 10 tomatoes. She waits patiently for 10 tomatoes to grow, but something strange happens—each day there are fewer tomatoes!