Basma and Gargur Visiting Uncle Nabil

Detailed Goal: Comfort and Space
Full Episode: Basma and Gargur Visiting Uncle Nabil, Season 5
Basma and Gargur visit Uncle Nabil because he is sick. They try to sing and dance to cheer him up, but Uncle Nabil is not interested which makes Basma feel disappointed. Hadi guides Basma to ask first what Uncle Nabil really needs. Basma learns that in showing kindness, she also needs to give him space and comfort first. Hassoon and Reesheh also learn how to be kind by giving their friend Bulbul space. Later, Hadi and Tonton play "Guess the Answer" hosted by Aref, where they learn a new letter and unlock a fun surprise! Then, Salma demonstrates how to make DIY elephants by folding paper!
Narrative with Animations: Basma and Gargur Visiting Uncle Nabil, Season 5
Basma decides to visit Uncle Nabeel because he is sick. She tries to sing and dance but feels that he is not interacting. She thinks that he is bored, and when none of her activities work, she feels disappointed. Hadi guides her to ask what Uncle Nabeel really needed and Basma finally learns to give him space and comfort.
Mural Wall Animations: Basma and Gargur Visiting Uncle Nabil, Season 5
When Bulbul is feeling sad about missing a friend, Reesheh and Hasson try to cheer him up by inviting him to play. Abu'l Fihem shows them that they can show kindness to Bulbul by giving him space and time to feel better.