Basma Draws Faces

Detailed Goal: Imagining Multiple Solutions
Full Episode: Basma Draws Faces, Season 6
Basma is going through an e-magazine she had heard of from Jad, she stumbles upon a prompt to draw paintings under the theme (Faces Around Me). Basma decides to use her imagination to find other faces around her through looking at objects around her. When Jad, Ma'zooza and Salma arrive they see what Basma is doing, they get really impressed by her creative imagination and decide to make a game where they all try to imagine different faces around them to draw. Next, the Birds are painting rocks! Hassoon gets too excisted and accidently spills paint on the other rocks. The Birds come up with a solution to use another rock with the same color as the paint that ran out. Later, the Big Feelings Explorers find that Zoe is feeling "excited"! They help her identify her emotion as "excited" and feel better by "belly breathing". Finally, Salma takes kids through creation of a DIY Dance and encourages them to join in and dance!
Narrative with Animations: Basma Draws Faces, Season 6
Basma is going through an e-magazine she had heard of from Jad, she stumbles upon a prompt to draw paintings under the theme (Faces Around Me). Basma decides to use her imagination to find other faces around her through looking at objects around her. When Jad, Ma'zooza and Salma arrive they see what Basma is doing, they get really impressed by her creative imagination and decide to make a game where they all try to imagine different faces around them to draw.
Dabke Dancers: Basma Draws Faces, Season 6
The Dabke Dancers come out from behind a plant pot and hear Basma mention imagination. Subhi defines it as creating pictures and ideas in your head, even when something is not in front of you.
Mural Wall Animations: Basma Draws Faces, Season 6
The Birds are painting rocks! Hassoon gets too excited and accidentally spills paint on the other rocks. The Birds come up with a solution to use another rock with the same color as the paint that ran out.
Strategy Songs: Basma Draws Faces: Power of Imagination, Season 6
Basma sings about the power of imagination to help her draw faces!
Gargur’s Interview of Kids Segments: Basma Draws Faces, Season 6
Gargur talks to kids about caring.