Cinema Day

Detailed Goal: Self-Regulation and Perspective Taking
Full Episode: Cinema Day, Season 3, Arabic (Iraqi), Kurdish (Kurmanji)
It's world cinema day. Salma brings a cinema box. Basma is excited to watch the movie. Jad joins her but they discover that only one person can watch at a time. Basma suggests watching the movie and telling Jad all about it, but it's not that fun for Jad to just listen. With the help of Salma and Hadi, Basma realizes that she can make an adaptation and both can wait for their turns to watch. Meanwhile, Reesheh wants to play with Hassoon and Bulbul on their Rainbow game, but they need to make an adaptation so she can join! Later, in Salma's workshop, we learn how to make our very own rainbow! The number of the day is 7!
Narrative: Cinema Day, Season 3
It's world cinema day. Salma brings a cinema box. Basma is excited to watch the movie. Jad joins her but they discover that only one person can watch at a time. Basma suggests watching the movie and telling Jad all about it, but it's not that fun for Jad to just listen. With the help of Salma and Hadi, Basma realizes that she can make an adaptation and both can wait for their turns to watch.
Animation: Cinema Day (Mural Wall), Season 3
Reesheh wants to play with Hassoon and Bulbul on their Rainbow game, but they needs to make an adaptation so she can join!
Animation: Cinema Day (Dabke Dancers), Season 3
The Dabke Dancers explain that Basma needs to make an adaptation so both she and Jad can play with the Cinema Box.
Animation: Cinema Day (Dabke Gestures), Season 3
The Dabke Dancers jump out and remind us to Stop, Notice and Think about how others' feel!!
Song: Cinema Day - Notice (Strategy Song), Season 3
When we notice what others are saying and how they are acting, we can understand their feelings better!
Song: Cinema Day – With Love and Welcoming Arms Song (Goal Song), Season 3
Playing is more fun when everyone is included. We can make little adaptations, so we all share in the fun, with love and open arms.
Song: Wrap Up Song – Cinema Day, Season 3
Every day in Ahlan Simsim brings new stories and lots of fun! We sing, dance, learn, laugh and play - come join us!