Gargur Forgets Invitations

Detailed Goal: Imagining Multiple Solutions
Full Episode: Gargur Forgets Invitations, Season 6
With the help of Gargur and Ma'zooza, Basma plans a big party! But when Gargur forgets to hand out the party invitations, Hadi encourages the friends to use their imaginations to find a solution. Next, the Birds are at the beach with Abu'l Fihem! They try to set up an umbrella but it keeps falling over and isn't stable enough. They work together to imagine a solution to get shade from the sun and come up with using a palm tree nearby for cover! Later, the Big Feelings Explorers find the Elephant is feeling "fear". They help her identify this feeling and teach her how to “be a tree” to feel better. Finally, Elmo and Zoe are working on measurements! Grover teaches them different ways of measuring height.
Narrative with Animations: Gargur Forgets Invitations, Season 6
With the help of Gargur and Ma'zooza, Basma plans a big party! But when Gargur forgets to hand out the party invitations, Hadi encourages the friends to use their imaginations to find a solution.
Dabke Dancers: Gargur Forgets Invitations, Season 6
The Dabke Dancers are carrying cupcakes until they notice their friends have a problem. They talk about how Basma and Ma'zooza will need to use their imagination to solve their problem.
Mural Wall Animations: Gargur Forgets Invitations, Season 6
the Birds are at the beach with Abu'l Fihem! They try to set up an umbrella but it keeps falling over and isn't stable enough. They work together to imagine a solution to get shade from the sun and come up with using a palm tree nearby for cover!
Strategy Songs: Gargur Forgets Invitations: Finding Solutions with Imagination, Season 6,
Our friends sing about coming up with solutions by imagining the problem and solving it together!
Ameera’s Word: Gargur Forget Invitations, Season 6
The word of the day is "Invitation"! Ameera teaches the kids a new word in English, Italian, and Spanish!