Hottest Day on Ahlan Simsim

Detailed Goal: Imagining Multiple Solutions
Full Episode: Hottest Day on Ahlan Simsim, Season 6
It's a hot summer day! The electricity went out and our friends can no longer use their fan to cool down. They also cannot drink Hadi's fresh and cold juice, because the blender went off. Jad suggests they use their imagination to find different solutions to cool down. Next, the Birds and Abu'l Fihem try to get ice cream but the machines not working! They come up with a solution to use cold fruits and drinks instead. Then, the Big Feelings Explorers find that Turtle is feeling “jealous” and help her feel better by teaching her how to “draw it out". Finally, Salma takes kids through creation of a DIY Dance and encourages them to join in and dance!
Narrative with Animations: Hottest Day on Ahlan Simsim, Season 6
It's a hot summer day! The electricity went out and our friends can no longer use their fan to cool down. They also cannot drink Hadi's fresh and cold juice, because the blender went off. Jad suggests they use their imagination to find different solutions to cool down.
Dabke Dancers: Hottest Day on Ahlan Simsim, Season 6
The Dabke Dancers are sitting on ice blocks until they notice their friends mention imagination. Fathi defines imagination as creating ideas and images in our head, even if they're not in front of us!
Mural Wall Animations: Hottest Day on Ahlan Simsim, Season 6
The Birds and Abu'l Fihem try to get ice cream but the machine is not working! They come up with a solution to use cold fruits and drinks instead.
Strategy Songs: Hottest Day on Ahlan Simsim: Finding Solutions with Imagination, Season 6
Our friends come up with solutions to cool down from the heat by imagining a solution!
Gargur’s Interview of Kids Segments: Hottest Day on Ahlan Simsim, Season 6
Ahlan Simsim's furry pal and star reporter Gargur talks to kids about jealousy.