Jad Follows the Rabbit

Detailed Goal: Imagination
Full Episode: Jad Follows the Rabbit, Season 6
While Jad and Ma'zooza are playing in Ahlan Simsim neighborhood, Nabiha the post worker passes by and an envelope falls from her bag, but she doesn't notice it. Jad goes on an adventure with Ma'zooza so that they can catch up with Nabiha and give the envelope back to her. Next, the Birds find that their friend has lost a letter and work together using their imagination to come up with a solution to help return it. Later, Ameera teaches the kids how to say "vegetables" in English and Italian! Finally, Salma takes kids through creation of a DIY Dance and encourages them to join in and dance!
Narrative with Animations: Jad Follows the Rabbit, Season 6
While Jad and Ma'zooza are playing in Ahlan Simsim neighborhood, Nabiha the post worker passes by and an envelope falls from her bag, but she doesn't notice it. Jad goes on an adventure with Ma'zooza so that they can catch up with Nabiha and give the envelope back to her.
Dabke Dancers: Jad Follows the Rabbit, Season 6
The Dabke Dancers observe their friend Jad has a problem. Fathi defines imagination and they discuss how Jad can use imagination to solve it.
Mural Wall Animations: Jad Follows the Rabbit, Season 6
The Birds find that a letter has been dropped by a stork! The then work together using their imagination to come up with a solution to help return it.
Strategy Songs: Jad Follows the Rabbit: Finding Solutions with Imagination, Season 6
Jad sings about imagining a solution to help find the rabbit!
Ameera’s Word: Jad Follows the Rabbit, Season 6
Today we will learn with Ameera as she teaches the kids how to say "Vegetables" in English and Italian!