Jad the Garden Keeper

Full Episode: Jad the Garden Keeper, Season 7
Basma, Ma'zooza, Juju and Jad decide to put on a play for Salma to cheer her up, since the one she was going to see just got cancelled! When they start rehearsing, Jad keeps forgetting his lines and starts to feel frustrated. With Salma's help, Jad can remember his lines and the show goes on! Later, Abu'l Fihem and the Birds are playing blowing soap bubbles! When Bulbul can't blow a bubble like his friends, he feels disappointed but learns to make bubbles in his own special way. Then, Elephant is having a big feeling! Basma and Jad help her identify the emotion as "frustrated" and teach her to "be a tree" and feel better. Finally, Salma teaches us how to make a DIY elephant.