Jad’s Picture

Full Episode: Jad’s Picture, Season 7
Ameera's friend Ibn Battuta is a famous vlogger visiting Ahlan Simsim! He tells them about his travels and the famous Arz tree he saw and how pretty it is in Lebanon and how he wishes he had a picture of it. He shares that he couldn’t take it because his camera broke. Everyone gets excited and they tell him that Jad is a painter and can draw it! Jad feels proud that he can use his talent and as a valuable member of his community is able to help. Next, the Birds are in the desert with Abu'l Fihem and they want to take a photo, but the camera has no more battery! The Birds come together and figure out a way to still capture the moment. Next, Jad gets dizzy while playing the "flying birds" game, Louie suggests he take a break. Finally, Salma takes kids through creation of a DIY Dance called "Think” and encourages them to join in and dance!