Kindness to Animals

Detailed Goal: Self-Forgiveness
Full Episode: Kindness to Animals, Season 5
Salma, Jad, Basma, Ma’zooza, Gargur, and Kaki are visiting the animal reserve and want to feed the animals! Kaki, who wasn’t listening to the director, takes a bag of cookies that was meant for the birds, and eats it. When he finally discovers that the cookies were for the birds, he starts blames himself and talks to himself in a negative way. With Salma’s help, Kaki learns to be kinder and forgive himself. Later, the Big Feelings Explorers put on a puppet show! Then, Salma demonstrates how to draw a baby chick!
Narrative with Animations: Kindness to Animals, Season 5
Salma with Jad, Basma, Ma’zooza, Gargur and Kaki are visiting the animal reserve. They want to feed the animals. Kaki, who wasn’t listening to the director, takes a bag of cookies that was meant for the birds, and eats it on the way. When he finally discovers that this food was meant for the birds, he starts blaming himself and talks to himself in a negative way, although his friends forgave him. With Salma’s help, Kaki learns to be kinder and forgive himself.
Mural Wall Animations: Kindness to Animals, Season 5
Hassoon, Reesheh, and Bulbul make a necklace together! But when Hassoon tries it on, he accidentally breaks it. Abu'l Fihem shows Hassoon how to talk kindly to himself, even after he makes a mistake.
Dabke Dancers Animations: Al Ma’wa Reserve, Season 5
The Dabkes observe what's going on and help identify that Kaki should remember to be kind to himself.
Strategy Song: Al Ma’wa Reserve, Season 5
Salma sings a song to help Kaki understand how to be kind to himself after making a mistake.