Organizing with Basma and Jad

Detailed Goal: Imagining Multiple Solutions
Full Episode: Organizing with Basma and Jad, Season 6
Basma, Jad, Gargur, Ma'zooza and Sami are helping Hadi and Teta Noor in arranging the kitchen. Basma suggests arranging all the items in front of them by colors, but Zain tells them that he is color blind and has a hard time differentiating certain colors. The friends start imagining different solutions to help them with organizing the kitchen and ensuring all can participate and have fun in the process. Next, the Birds are helping Abu'l Fihem get dressed! They all use their imagination and work together to pick the best outfit. Then, the Big Feelings Explorers notice that Grover is feeling frustrated and teach him how to manage by counting to five. Lastly, Grover teaches Elmo, Zoe, and Cookie about weight!
Narrative with Animations: Organizing with Basma and Jad, Season 6
Basma, Jad, Gargur, Ma'zooza and Sami are helping Hadi and Teta Noor in arranging the kitchen. Basma suggests arranging all the items in front of them by colors, but Zain tells them that he is color blind and has a hard time differentiating certain colors. The friends start imagining different solutions to help them with organizing the kitchen and ensuring all can participate and have fun in the process.
Dabke Dancers: Organizing with Basma and Jad, Season 6
The Dabke Dancers are cleaning when they hear their friends mention imagination. Fathi defines imagination as creating pictures in your head, even when something is not in front of you. Rebhi explains how he uses imagination to solve problems or just for fun!
Mural Wall Animations: Organizing with Basma and Jad, Season 6
The Birds are helping Abu'l Fihem get dressed! They all use their imagination and work together to pick the best outfit.
Strategy Songs: Organizing with Basma and Jad: Power of Imagination, Season 6
Our friends sing about imagining different ways to organize the kitchen!
Gargur’s Interview of Kids Segments: Organizing with Basma and Jad, Season 6
Ahlan Simsim's furry pal and star reporter Gargur talks to kids about frustration.