Celebrity Service Announcement

Detailed Goal: Emotional/Empathetic Communication
PSA: Accepting Differences
Celebrity PSA segment with Zuhair Nobani
PSA: Setting an example
Celebrity PSA segment with Amal Dabbas
PSA: Setting an Example
Celebrity PSA segment with Eyad Nasser
PSA: Setting an Example
Celebrity PSA segment with Deema Hajjawi
PSA: Setting an Example
Celebrity PSA segment with Rajaa Qasabani
PSA: Setting an Example
Celebrity PSA segment with Sawsan Bader
PSA: Setting an Example
Celebrity PSA segment with Wafaa Mousali
PSA: Learning Emotions
Celebrity PSA segment with Arwa
PSA: Learning Emotions
Celebrity PSA segment with Dima Kandalaft
PSA: Learning Emotions
Celebrity PSA segment with Mohammad Nour
PSA: Learning Emotions
Celebrity PSA segment with Munther Rayahneh
PSA: Learning Emotions
Celebrity PSA segment with Wissam Tobaileh
PSA: Life Skills
Celebrity PSA segment with Asaad Al Zahrani
PSA: Life Skills
Celebrity PSA segment with Darin Al Bayed
PSA: Life Skills
Celebrity PSA segment with Dima Kandalaft
PSA: Life Skills
Celebrity PSA segment with Eyad Nasser
PSA: Life Skills
Celebrity PSA segment with Mohammad Nour
PSA: Life Skills
Celebrity PSA segment with Rakeen Saad
PSA: Life Skills
Celebrity PSA segment with Rubi Habash
PSA: Life Skills
Celebrity PSA segment with Waed
PSA: Life Skills
Celebrity PSA segment with Wissam Sabbagh
PSA: Life Skills
Celebrity PSA segment with Zain Awad