Scientific Experiment with Ameera

full episode, scientific experiment with Ameera hero

Detailed Goal: Self-Esteem

Full Episode: Scientific Experiment with Ameera, Season 5
Salma teaches everyone how to make lava lamps! Basma feels disappointed because the colors she chose for her lamp mixed and turned black. Ameera shows Basma that she needs to be kind to herself through the self-esteem strategy.  Bulbul also feels the same way when his art project doesn't turn out the way he had hoped. Later, the Big Feelings Explorers help Elephant feel less nervous by "Counting to Five"! 

Narrative with Animations: Scientific Experiments with Ameera, Season 5
Salma is teaching Jad, Basma, Ameera and the Muppets about the density of water & oil. Salma splits the students into pairs that work individually to create lava lamps! Ameera and Jad are having a great time. After the process of creating the lava lamps, Basma feels disappointed. The colors of her lava lamp didn’t pay off well. Through the mentor moment she learns that she needs to be kind to herself through the self-esteem strategy. 

Mural Wall Animations: Scientific Experiments with Ameera, Season 5
The birds are making DIY leaf projects! Bulbul's project doesn't turn out as he had hoped and starts to feel disappointed and speaks negatively to himself. Abu'l Fihem tells him that it's okay to feel disappointed and encourages him to speak kindly to himself. 

Dabke Dancers Animations: All About Science, Season 5
The Dabkes observe what's going on and help identify that Basma should remember to be kind to herself.

Strategy Songs: All About Science, Season 5
Ameera and her friends sing a song about being kind to yourself.