Tale of Two Cakes

Detailed Goal: Managing Jealousy
Full Episode: Tale of Two Cakes, Season 1, Arabic (Iraqi), Kurdish (Kurmanji)
Full Episodes include the Narrative and Variety format.
Full Episode: Ahlan Simsim Playdate: Tale of Two Cakes, Season 2, Arabic (Iraqi), Kurdish (Kurmanji)
Full Episodes include the Narrative and Variety format.
Narrative: Tale of Two Cakes, Season 1
Basma and Jad are excited to compete in a cake decorating contest! But when they can’t agree on how to decorate their cake, they each go their own way. As the competition escalates, they each get jealous of the other’s decorating successes…until they learn how to cope with their big feeling and work together!
Narrative: Tale of Two Cakes (Zoom Style), Season 2
Basma and Jad are excited to compete in a cake decorating contest! But when they can’t agree on how to decorate their cake, they each go their own way. As the competition escalates, they each get jealous of the other’s decorating successes…until they learn how to cope with their big feeling and work together!
Variety: Tale of Two Cakes, Season 1
Variety show with kids and celebrities that reinforces the emotion term and self-regulation strategy from the episode.
Animation: Tale of Two Cakes (Mural Wall), Season 1
Bulbul feels left out of the game.
Short form: Elmo's 30 Second Recap: Tale of Two Cakes, Season 1
Elmo provides recap of the Narrative Format’s story and the JEALOUSY emotion with the Belly breath & Move it out strategies.
Short form: Tale of Two Cakes - Gargur (Grover) Interview with Kids – Jealousy, Season 1
Ahlan Simsim's furry pal and star reporter Gargur (Grover) talks to kids about jealousy.
Song: Tale of Two Cakes/Belly Breathe (Strategy Song), Season 1
Belly breathing is a fun way to help you calm down. Put your hands on your tummy then inhale...exhale. Sing along with your friends on Ahlan Simsim!
Song: Tale of Two Cakes/Move it Out (Strategy Song #2), Season 1
Clapping, dancing, and moving... these moves are like your words! When you have a big feeling and you don't know what to do, moving it out can help you calm down and feel better. Move and sing along!
Song: Tale of Two Cakes/Move it Out (Zoom style), Season 2
Clapping, dancing, and moving... these moves are like your words! When you have a big feeling and you don't know what to do, moving it out can help you calm down and feel better. Move and sing along!