Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Geometry

Detailed Goal: Geometry
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Triangle Training!
Elmo and Zoe are playing a game where they lie on the ground and make shapes with their bodies. They make a circle and square, but realize they don't know how to make a triangle. Gargur calls them over to Door #1 where he talks about triangle, while Triangle interrupts saying she IS a triangle. Behind Door #2, Triangle explains what a triangle is by defining it. Behind Door #3, Gargur and Triangle demonstrate how a pyramid is made up of many triangles. With their new knowledge, Elmo and Zoe invited Gargur to be the third side of their triangle as they resume their play.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Triangle Explorers!
Elmo and Zoe are playing “Triangle Explorers”, searching for cardboard triangles on a playground. Behind Door #1, Gargur tells them that triangle are shapes with three sides and three angles. Behind Door #2, Gargur is at the beach. Triangle enters with an isosceles triangle, which looks different than the triangles Elmo and Zoe found. Triangle explains that all triangles do not have to look the same. Behind Door #3, Gargur shows them how a pyramid is made up of triangles. With their new knowledge, Elmo and Zoe assemble a pyramid using the cardboard triangles they have found.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Circle the Hoop!
Elmo and Zoe are playing “Storm Clouds” by trying to move a hoop made out of a willow vine by waving their arms. The hoop breaks apart into a straight branch. Zoe tells Elmo that the vine needs to be a circle. Behind Door #1, Gargur is teaching Circle how to play tag. He tells Elmo and Zoe that circles always have no sides and no angles. Behind Door #2, Circle disguises herself as the round sun behind Gargur. Behind Door #3, Gargur is still playing tag with Circle at a playground. Ameera enters and inflates a soccer ball into a sphere shape. With their new knowledge, Zoe rebraids the willow branch into a circle.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: My Cousins are Squares!
Elmo and Zoe are building a butterfly house when they realize they need a piece of square cardboard to build the home. Gargur calls them over behind Door #1 where he introduces his friend Square, who defines what a square is. Behind Door #2, Gargur is in a town square. Together they all look for squares in everyday life. Behind door #3, Square introduces Elmo and Zoe all his square relatives at a picnic. 6 squares jump together to form a cube. With their new knowledge, Elmo and Zoe return to their play and find 6 squares to build a cube house for the butterflies.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Do Circles Make Good Wheels?
Elmo is giving Zoe a ride in their wooden cart, when they hit a rock and the wheel breaks. Elmo replaces the wheel with a square block. The cart will not roll forward smoothly, and Zoe points out it is because the wheel is not round. Gargur calls them over to the first door, where he introduces his friend Circle. Circle demonstrates how she is round all the way around, with no angles or sides. Behind door #2, Gargur encounters Square. He explains he is not a circle because he has angles and sides and is not round all the way around. Behind door #3, Gargur and Kaki look for Circle, who is disguised beneath a round, circular Kaki. With their new knowledge, Elmo and Zoe resume their play and find a circle wheel to make their cart roll forward smoothly.