Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Measurement

Detailed Goal: Measuring Height, Weight, Width
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: How Tall is Your Turtle?
Elmo, Zoe, and Turtle are all pretending to be animals. Turtle stands up straight, pretending to be a giraffe, but realizes she needs more height. Behind Door #1, Gargur and Chicken measure their heights by marking their heights with pencil on a wall. Behind Door #2, Gargur and Kaki Monster dance with two different heights of canes. They measure their canes with pieces of string. Behind Door #3, Gargur skips rope while Chicken and Elephant swing the jump rope. Because of Elephant and Chicken’s different heights, Gargur gets tangled in the uneven rope. Chicken calls in two additional chickens to help her adjust her height to be the same as Elephant’s. With their new knowledge, Turtle uses a palm leaf to make her seem taller while pretending to be a giraffe.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Picture This Width!
Elmo, Zoe, Turtle, Elephant, and Basma are all pretending to be what they want to be when they grow up. Elmo wants to be an artist and tries to draw all of his friends on his piece of paper, but they do not fit. Basma suggests that he checks the width of his paper. Behind Door #1, Chicken tries to park her toy truck in two different boxes. Gargur measures the truck with a stick. The first box is too narrow for the truck to fit, but the other box is wide enough to fit the truck. Behind Door #2, Gargur is assembling a chair for Square. Gargur measures the width of Square with his feet to determine what the width of the chair should be. Behind Door #3, Chicken wants to put a drawing in a picture frame. Gargur measures the picture with a rope to determine which frame is wide enough for the picture. With their new knowledge, Elmo replaces his paper with a wider piece and he is able to draw all of his friends.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: How Tall is This Flower?
Elmo and Zoe are playing What Flower Are You, where they find a flower that is the same height as them. They try to find a flower that is the same height as Ma’zooza, but have no success. Gargur invites them behind Door #1, where Gargur is measuring the height of his very tall, very special hat by comparing it against a stack of three chickens with sticks. Behind Door #2, Gargur measures Elephant with 2 tall hats or 6 chickens with sticks. Gargur cannot fit through Door #3 because he and his hat are 6 sticks tall, but the door is only 4 sticks tall. He takes his hat off and lets a chicken wear it through the doorway so they both fit. Elmo and Zoe resume their play and the Chickens help find a flower the same height as Ma’zooza with their measuring stick.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Who's the Heaviest?
Elmo and Zoe are playing “Who’s the Heaviest?” with Ma’Zooza and Jad. Elmo and Ma’Zooza compare their weights on a pan balance, and Ma’Zooza is on the higher side of the scale. Ma’Zooza looks around for objects to hold while on the scale to increase her weight, but the ones she finds are not heavy enough. Behind Door #1, Gargur holds an empty backpack. Bodybuilder Chicken adds heavy objects to Gargur’s backpack, increasing its weight. Behind Door #2, Elephant and Gargur weigh themselves on a scale. Behind Door #3, Gargur, Halum, Elephant, Ma’Zooza, and Chicken fly in a hot air balloon. After Gargur lets go of the rope, the hot air balloon does not move because the basket is too heavy. Everyone gets out of the basket except for Chicken, who flies up in the hot air balloon. With their new knowledge, Jad and Zoe compare their weights on the pan balance. Jad is the heaviest, but then Ma’Zooza jumps in Zoe’s arms and the pan balance realigns to show that they are heavier than Jad.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: The Plane is Too Wide!
Elmo is pretending to be an airplane while Zoe and Basma draw in the sand with sticks. Elmo tries to pass between a gap between two hedges but it is too narrow. Basma holds her stick across the gap and explains that the gap does not have enough width. Behind Door #1, Gargur shows Elmo, Basma, and Zoe a piano that he made for Elephant. He wants to deliver it to Elephant’s home, so he measures the width of the piano using his arms to make sure it fits into a crate. Behind Door #2, Gargur repairs a hole in Chicken’s shed. He tries to use a piece of wood, but it is not wide enough to cover the hole, so he finds a piece of cardboard that matches the width perfectly. Behind Door #3, Gargur measures the width of a door to see if he can move a bench through it. Elephant suggest turning the bench vertically, so the bench’s width is less than the door. With their new knowledge, Zoe measure’s Elmo’s outstretched arms with a stick to see if he has enough space to move in between two tree trunks.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: The Kite is too Heavy!
Elmo and Zoe are flying kites when they discover Elmo’s kite won't fly because it is too heavy with decorative rocks. Gargur calls them over to door #1, where Elmo and Zoe learn that a bucket of water is heavy, but becomes lighter when the water is emptied. Behind door #2, Gargur demonstrates that scales tell the weight of things. Elephant is on the bottom of the scale, and Chicken is on the top, because Elephant is heavier than Chicken. Bodybuilder Chicken hops onto the scale with a truck, which is heavier than Elephant, so it makes the Elephant side of the scale go up. Behind the third door, Gargur removes melons from his cart to make it lighter to push. Basma puts melons in his cart, making it heavy again. Together, they make it lighter. Elmo and Zoe resume their play and, with their new knowledge, remove the rocks from Elmo’s kite to make it lighter.