Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Positionality

Detailed Goal: Between, Inside/Outside, Over/Under
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Painting in Between!
Elmo and Zoe are finger painting when they ask Ma'zooza to join the painting by coming in between them - but its about to rain. Gargur invites them behind Door #1, where Gargur demonstrates between with an apple in the middle of two baskets. In Door #2, he teaches them to play "The Monster In Between" where whichever monster muppet holding the ball stands between two other characters. Behind Door #3, Gargur asks questions about what you get when you put something in between two other things (i.e. a tomato between bread is a sandwich, Elmo between parents is a family). With their new knowledge, Elmo, Zoe and Ma'zooza go back to painting and Ma'zooza stands between them with an umbrella to block the rain.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Put the Mango in the Cart!
Elmo, Zoe and Kaki are playing Mango Line, where they pass a mango down the line and put it in the cart, but all the mangoes roll out. Gargur calls them behind Door #1, where he and the chickens switch back and forth between being inside the chicken pen, and outside the chicken pen. Behind Door #2, Gargur demonstrates the inside and outside of a banana, and slips on the outside (the peel). Behind Door #3, Kaki removes a Kaki from inside a jar to the outside of the jar and then eats it to put it in his tummy. With their new knowledge, Elmo and Zoe close the cart door so that their mangoes stay inside the cart while playing Mango Line.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Chickens Under the Table!
Elmo and Zoe are pretending to be veterinarians. A group of chickens fly in and one lands under their table, while another flies over their sign. Behind Door #1, Gargur and Chicken are building block towers. Gargur refers to a diagram of what color block to place next. Chicken directs him to place blocks over and under each other. Behind Door #2, Gargur is standing on a bridge with an easel, preparing to draw a group of chickens on the bridge, but they have disappeared. He finds the chickens under the bridge, who then run back over the bridge and then under again. Behind Door #3, Gargur and the chickens drive a racing cart and move over and under various obstacles. With their new knowledge, Elmo and Zoe round up the chickens to play veterinarian.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Under the Limbo Pole!
Elmo and Zoe are playing limbo with Elephant and Turtle. When they lower the pole, Zoe can't make it under without falling. In Door #1, Gargur demonstrates that the kite he is flying is over him, while the Chickens hanging on the string are under him. Behind door #2, Gargur and chicken take off in a cart and go over a tiny tree. Behind Door #3, Gargur plays leap frog by going over Chicken, over Turtle, and then under Elephant. With their new knowledge, Elmo and Zoe resume their play by jumping over the limbo stick it is too low to go under.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Between Two Trains!
Elmo and Zoe are playing with toy trains on a track. Elmo has the engine and Zoe has the caboose. Zoe notices that they need the carriage train to go in between the engine and the caboose. Behind Door #1, Gargur jumps rope while Ameera and Basma hold the rope on each side. When Ameera and Basma stop turning the rope, Gargur moves over next to Basma, showing that Basma is now the one “in between”. Behind Door #2, Gargur arranges balls to match a drawing he has made. Behind Door #3, there is a collage of Gargur’s face missing his nose. Gargur directs a group of chickens where to place his nose, in between his mouth and eyes. With their new knowledge, Elmo and Zoe add the carriage train in between the engine and caboose.