Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Relational Concepts

Detailed Goal: Fast/Slow, More/Less, Big/Small
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Slow Turtle, Fast Banana!
Elmo and Zoe are playing Pass the Banana, when they realize that they run fast, but Turtle runs very slow. While they wait for Turtle to finish her leg of the relay, they meet Gargur at Door #1 where he demonstrates and a fast dance and a slow dance. Behind Door #2, Gargur races Halum the tiger over hurdles to show how fast he can go - but sadly, Halum is faster and beats Gargur in the race. Gargur has an idea, and leads Elmo and Zoe to Door #3, where he put on rollerblades, which make him faster than Halum. With their new knowledge, Elmo and Zoe return to their play and use a cart to push Turtle FAST towards Kaki (who eats the banana).
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Let's Play More or Less!
Elmo and Zoe are doing somersaults when they get thirsty. Elmo drinks more water than Zoe. Gargur invites them behind Door #1 where Gargur is hosting a game. When someone spins the wheel, they either get more or less of something. In the first round, Turtle gets more hats than Kaki. Behind Door #2, Turtle has more balls and Gargur. Behind Door #3, more snow lands on Gargur than Kaki.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: More Leaves on the Tree!
Elmo and Zoe play "Pin the Leaves on the Tree". Elmo adds lots leaves to his tree, while Zoe adds less. Behind Door #1, Gargur demonstrates “more” and “less” by showing one group of 5 chickens and another group of 3 chickens. Behind Door #2 are two crates, a jug of water, and two empty glasses. Gargur fills one of the glasses full of water, and only fills the other halfway, showing “more” and “less” water in each glass. Behind Door #3, Gargur and Kaki Monster play tug-of-war with a rope. Kaki Monster has the shapes (Circle, Square, and Triangle) join his team and Gargur has 6 chickens join him. Gargur notices that he has more teammates, while Kaki Monster has less. With their new knowledge, Elmo, Zoe, Kaki Monster, Gargur, and the Shapes play a “Pin the Chicken on the Perch” game.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: What's Heavier Than a Mango?
Elmo, Zoe and Kaki are playing "What's Heavier Than a Mango" where they lift different objects to guess whether or not it is heavier than a mango. Elmo thinks a watermelon is heavier, but they don't know how to tell for sure. Gargur invites them behind Door #1, where he uses a pan balance to measure the weight of Bodybuilder Chicken vs. a sand bag. He adds himself to the scale to create a balance. Behind Door #2, Gargur has 3 baskets, each with 5 different items. Even though there are the same number of items, the baskets have different weights (sticks, feathers, rocks). Behind Door #3, Gargur and Turtle divide a heavy bucket of chicken feed among two buckets to make the weight easier to carry. With their new knowledge, Elmo, Zoe and Kaki measure mango and melon by placing them in buckets on a stick.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Dancing Fast, Dancing Slow!
Elmo and Zoe are building leaf piles, when they realize that Zoe's pile is bigger than Elmo's because Zoe is building hers fast, and Elmo is moving very slow. Gargur invites them behind Door #1, where he is watering a bush with a teeny tiny watering can, which will take a very long time. To speed it up, he asks Elephant to water the plant with her trunk, which would be FAST because it takes less time. Behind Door #2, Gargur demonstrates fast and slow dances. Behind Door #3, Chicken delivers berries fast because she is on roller skates. Gargur is slow because he is just walking. He gets a skateboard so he too can deliver berries fast. With their new knowledge, Elmo and Zoe go back to collecting leaves at their different speeds.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Big Ears, Small Ears!
Elmo and Zoe are pretending to be bunnies, wearing homemade paper bunny ears. Elmo’s bunny ears are too big and flop over, covering his eyes. Behind Door #1, Gargur demonstrates “big” and “small” by comparing Turtle and Elephant next to each other. Gargur and Turtle sit on a bench and Elephant joins them, showing that “big” takes up more space than “small”. Behind Door #2, Gargur compares a small umbrella and a big umbrella. He struggles to carry the big umbrella, then gives it to Elephant which is the perfect size for her. Gargur tries to use the small umbrella, but it is too small to cover him. Behind Door #3, Kaki Monster makes a party hat for Gargur that is too big and completely covers him. Kaki Monster makes a new, smaller hat but it is still too big for Gargur. He finally makes an even smaller hat for him, but it is too small. With their new knowledge, Zoe fixes Elmo’s paper bunny ears to make them smaller.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: How Big is This Bubble?
Elmo and Zoe are playing with bubbles and pretending to be scientists. Zoe blows a big bubble and Elmo blows lots of small bubbles. Behind Door #1, Gargur demonstrates “big” and “small” by comparing a ladybug and Ma’Zooza. Behind Door #2, there are two pairs of glasses – one is big and one is small. Gargur tries to put the small glasses on Ma’Zooza and the big glasses on the ladybug. He realizes his mistake and swaps the glasses. Behind Door #3, Gargur is working in his garden. He harvests a small, medium, and big carrot. With their new knowledge, Elmo and Zoe make all different sized bubbles with Ladybug, Elephant, and Gargur.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: The Chickens are Fast Asleep!
Elmo and Zoe are building leaf piles, when they realize that Zoe's pile is bigger than Elmo's because Zoe is building hers fast, and Elmo is moving very slow. Gargur invites them behind Door #1, where he is watering a bush with a teeny tiny watering can, which will take a very long time. To speed it up, he asks Elephant to water the plant with her trunk, which would be FAST because it takes less time. Behind Door #2, Gargur demonstrates fast and slow dances. Behind Door #3, Chicken delivers berries fast because she is on roller skates. Gargur is slow because he is just walking. He gets a skateboard so he too can deliver berries fast. With their new knowledge, Elmo and Zoe go back to collecting leaves at their different speeds.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Slow Turtle, Fast Banana!
Elmo and Zoe are playing “Find the Flowers” where Zoe has to look for flowers painted on the outside and inside of a box. Behind Door #1, Gargur jumps from inside to the outside of a room. Behind Door #2, Gargur and Ameera stack blocks inside of a box to make a tower. Gargur accidentally knocks the block tower down, placing the blocks outside of the box again. Behind Door #3, Gargur picks out toys to put inside his backpack. Elmo and Zoe help direct Gargur what items should stay outside and what items should go inside of the backpack. With their new knowledge, Elmo and Zoe continue their game and paint more flowers on the inside and outside of the box.
Watch, Play, Learn MATH Block: Big Chick, Little Chick!
Elmo and Zoe are trying to throw a ball in a basket, when they realize it keeps bouncing off the rim because the ball is bigger than the basket. Gargur invites them behind Door #1, where a small egg and large egg hatch into a little chick and BIG chick! Behind Door #2, they all make comparisons about who is bigger and who is smaller. Behind Door #3, Gargur demonstrates that small things take up less room than big things by showing a little chick and Elephant in a little cart vs. big cart. With their new knowledge, Elmo and Zoe return to their play and use a bigger basket for their ball game so there is more room for the ball to land.