Watch, Play, Learn SEL Block: Sadness

Detailed Goal: Managing Sadness
Watch, Play, Learn SEL Block: Kaki is Sad
Basma is showing Jad the house she built for her new pet ladybug, Lulu, but when Basma looks away for a moment she turns around to find that Lulu has gone! This makes Basma sad. Then Chicken interrupts with a big feelings alert – it’s their friend Kaki! Kaki wrote a song for Turtle’s birthday, but the paper looked yummy so he ate it before he could sing her the song – this makes him sad because he can’t remember how the song goes. Basma and Jad help Kaki identify his feeling as “sadness” and help him feel better by “drawing it out.” The strategy helps Basma too as she continues searching for Lulu and finds her safe and sound in her new ladybug house!
Watch, Play, Learn SEL Block: Elmo is Sad
Basma and Jad are playing with their animal puppets, but the fancy hat on Basma’s puppet falls off and makes her sad. Chicken interrupts with a big feelings alert – it’s their friend Elmo! Elmo has been coloring a special sunny day, but he lost his yellow crayon. Basma and Jad help him identify his feeling as “sadness” and teach him to belly breath to feel better. By helping Elmo with his sadness, Basma feels less sad too.
Watch, Play, Learn SEL Block: Gargur is Sad
Basma, Jad, Ma’zooza, and Body Builder Chicken are all playing Banana, Banana, Orange (duck duck goose), but Basma feels sad because Jad has already picked her to be Orange three times. Chicken interrupts with a big feelings alert – it’s their friend Gargur. Gargur lost one of his juggling rings that his granny gave him. Basma and Jad help Gargur identify his feeling as “sad” and help him feel better by teaching him to “move it out.” The move it out strategy helps both Basma and Gargur feel less sad.