Water Conservation

Detailed Goal: Water conservation
Animation: Birdman Water Conservation - Arabic (Levantine), Kurdish (Badini)
Birdman shows us all the ways we can conserve water!
Short form: Water is a Precious Resource - Arabic (Levantine), Kurdish (Badini)
Amal is helping her mom collect water in a refugee camp. Her mother shows Amal how to conserve water at the tap, cover her bucket with a lid to keep it safe, and how to only use as much as she needs.
Short form: Water Conservation with Basma, Jad, and Elmo (Water Conservation) - Arabic (Levantine), Kurdish (Kurmanji)
Basma, Jad, and Elmo teach us how to conserve water when going about our day.
PSA: Water Conservation (Raya and Elmo) - Arabic (Levantine), Kurdish (Badini)
Raya tells Elmo why his drip drop game is wasting water. We all need to work together to conserve clean, safe water!