Zain Our New Friend

Detailed Goal: Managing Frustration
Full Episode: Zain our new Friend, Season 3, Arabic (Iraqi)
Basma, Jad and the rest of their friends are playing a relay race with their new friend Zain. At the end of the race, the runners have to bring back a ball that matches their team’s color. Zain enjoys racing with them until they discover that he is unable to pick the right color ball, because he is color blind. Basma and Jad try to find a way to include Zain by making an adaptation to the game. Meanwhile, Reesheh, Hassoon and Bulbul make a new friend, Nama the Penguin. But Nama can't fly, and the birds need to change their games so she can feel included. Later in the workshop, Salma teaches us how to make flowers using cardboard, colors, and glue! The number of the day is 6!
Detailed Goal: Self-Regulation and Perspective Taking
Full Episode: Zain our new Friend, Season 3
Basma, Jad and the rest of their friends are playing a relay race with their new friend Zain. At the end of the race, the runners have to bring back a ball that matches their team’s color. Zain enjoys racing with them until they discover that he is unable to pick the right color ball, because he is color blind. Basma and Jad try to find a way to include Zain by making an adaptation to the game. Meanwhile, Reesheh, Hassoon and Bulbul make a new friend, Nama the Penguin. But Nama can't fly, and the birds need to change their games so she can feel included. Later in the workshop, Salma teaches us how to make flowers using cardboard, colors, and glue! The number of the day is 6!
Narrative: Zain our new Friend, Season 3
Basma, Jad and the rest of their friends are playing a relay race with their new friend Zain. At the end of the race, the runners have to bring back a ball that matches their team’s color. Zain enjoys racing with them until they discover that he is unable to pick the right color ball, because he is color blind. Basma and Jad try to find a way to include Zain by making an adaptation to the game.
Animation: Zain our new Friend (Mural Wall), Season 3
Reesheh, Hassoon and Bulbul make a new friend, Nama the Penguin. She can't fly, so they must make an adaptation so she can play with them!
Animation: Zain Our New Friend (Dabke Dancers), Season 3
The Dabke Dancers explain that Basma and Jad need to make an adaptation to the relay race so Zain can play with them.
Animation: Zain our new Friend (Dabke Gestures), Season 3
The Dabke Dancers jump out and remind us to Stop, Notice and Think about how others' feel!
Song: Zain Our New Friend - Think (Strategy Song), Season 3
Try to think about how others are feeling, and why they are saying and acting the way they do. Sometimes we need to think a little!
Song: Zain Our New Friend – When We Play Together (Goal Song), Season 3
Let's make an adaptation to our game so everyone can play. Who has an idea how we can all play together?
Song: Wrap Up Song – Zain Our New Friend, Season 3
Every day in Ahlan Simsim brings new stories and lots of fun! We sing, dance, learn, laugh and play - come join us!